Story sections: Timeline settings
The timeline feature in Story allows you to add content blocks of text and images that can be scrolled horizontally. Here are a few setting options you can use to modify how the timeline is displayed.
Overlay images
When turned on, the timeline images can be placed over the previous section:
If unchecked, the entire section will begin below the previous section:
Show image border
Turning on the image border will add a frame around each image to help stand out over some backgrounds:
Content blocks
Each timeline content block can contain none, one or two images:
The Heading is placed below the image(s) followed by text description.
When both a link and link URL are provided:
A clean text link is displayed below the text description:
Use the add timeline option to create additional timeline content blocks:
With horizontal scrolling, you can display as many content blocks as needed. To sort the position of each timeline block, use the handle icon on the right and drag-n-drop to the order you like.
On desktop, the timeline can be scrolled through using the left and right chevron arrows:
For mobile devices, touch swipe gestures are used to navigate forwards and backwards. Story will show a portion of the next timeline content block which will help indicate there is more content.
Minimal timeline example
For a simple horizontal text scrolling section, try each timeline content block without images: