Story theme: Add a call to action button on your homepage

In Story theme, you can use the Text columns with images section to add a simple call to action button on the homepage. 


How to:

In the Theme Editor under sections, add the section Text columns with images:

Three default content blocks are added:

Remove two of the content blocks by opening each block and choosing Remove content:

You'll need one of the content blocks. After removing the other two content blocks, open the remaining content block:

Uncheck the Show image option in that content block:

Customize this content block with a button label and button link:

The main heading in our example is set with the section setting:

Additional settings

Under Theme settings, you can change how the title appears and the color options for both the title and button link:

These settings are global, they will affect all your theme buttons and headings. 

To change the title style, use Layout and change the Title decoration to "None". This will remove the moden animated dots styling for the heading:

For color changes, Primary access is your button color and Secondary styles the animated dots above the title:

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